; Copyright (C) 2003 «J¸Î¤å >LABEL 1,30 >ALIAS 32,32 >RAHOURS 45,53 >DECDEGREES 54,64 >CATALOG CLASS = LABELS >LOADMEMORY >IDENTIFIER Constellation >OBJECT TYPE 45 >PARSE "Abbreviation" 67,69 >PARSE "Genitive Form" 72,94 >PARSE "Description" 96,130 >PARSE "Pronunciation" 131,165 >PARSE "Genitive Pronunciation" 166,200 ¥P¤k®y/Andromeda 1 0.540000 38.540000 (And) Andromedae Andromeda, the Princess of Ethiopia an DRAHM' ee duh an DRAHM' ee dee ®Aµ©®y/Antlia 2 10.160000 -34.440000 (Ant) Antliae The Air Pump ANT' lih uh ANT' lih ee ¤Ñ¿P®y/Apus 3 16.160000 -76.280000 (Aps) Apodis The Bird of Pardise AY' puhs AP' uh dis Ä_²~®y/Aquarius 4 22.710000 -10.190000 (Aqr) Aquarii The Water Carrier uh KWER' ih uhs uh KWER' ih eye ¤Ñøl®y/Aquila 5 19.670000 -2.500000 (Aql) Aquilae The Eagle AK' wih luh AK' wih lee ¤Ñ¾Â®y/Ara 6 17.390000 -53.580000 (Ara) Arae The Altar AY' ruh AY' ree ¥Õ¦Ï®y/Aries 7 2.660000 20.090000 (Ari) Arietis The Ram AY' rih eez uh RY' eh tis ±s¤Ò®y/Auriga 8 6.000000 41.730000 (Aur) Aurigae The Charioteer aw RY' guh aw RY' jee ªª¤Ò®y/Bootes 9 14.730000 30.720000 (Boo) Bootis The Herdsman boh OH' teez boh OH' tis ÀJ¨ã®y/Caelum 10 4.720000 -39.200000 (Cae) Caeli The Sculptor's Chisel(s) SEE' luhm SEE' ly ³À°\®y/Camelopardalis 11 5.760000 70.270000 (Cam) Camelopardalis The Giraffe kuh MEL' oh PAHR' duh lis kuh MEL' oh PAHR duh lis ¥¨ÃÉ®y/Cancer 12 8.690000 20.150000 (Cnc) Cancri The Crab KAN' suhr KANG' kree Ây¤ü®y/Canes Venatici 13 13.160000 41.150000 (CVn) Canum Venaticorum The Hunting Dogs KAY' neez vee NAT' ih sy KAY' nuhm vee NAT' ih KOH' ruhm ¤j¤ü®y/Canis Major 14 6.860000 -21.980000 (CMa) Canis Majoris The Larger Dog KAY' nis MAY' juhr KAY' nis may JOH' ris ¤p¤ü®y/Canis Minor 15 7.660000 5.900000 (CMi) Canis Minoris The Smaller Dog KAY'nis MY' nuhr KAY' nis mih NOH' ris ¼¯½~®y/Capricornus 16 21.020000 -20.230000 (Cap) Capricorni The Sea Goat KAP' rih KAWR' nuhs KAP' rih KAWR' ny ²î©³®y/Carina 17 8.760000 -59.890000 (Car) Carinae Argo's Keel kuh RY' nuh kuh RY' nee ¥P¦Z®y/Cassiopeia 18 1.010000 62.200000 (Cas) Cassiopeiae Cassiopeia, the Queen of Ethiopia KAS' ih oh PEE yuh kas ih oh PEE' yee ¥b¤H°¨®y/Centaurus 19 13.130000 -45.960000 (Cen) Centauri The Centaur sen TAW' ruhs sen TAW' ry ¥P¤ý®y/Cepheus 20 22.520000 71.590000 (Cep) Cephei Cepheus, the King of Ethiopia SEE' fyoos SEE' fee eye ÄH³½®y/Cetus 21 1.420000 -11.350000 (Cet) Ceti The Sea Monster SEE' tuhs SEE' ty ³÷¸»®y/Chamaeleon 22 10.580000 -79.750000 (Cha) Chamaeleontis The Chameleon kuh MEE' lee uhn kuh MEE' lee AHN' tis ¶ê³W®y/Circinus 23 15.080000 -59.020000 (Cir) Circini The Pair of Compasses SUHR' sih nuhs SUHR' sih ny ¤ÑÂF®y/Columba 24 5.760000 -35.290000 (Col) Columbae Noah's Dove (female) koh LUHM' buh koh LUHM' bee ¦Z¾v®y/Coma Berenices 25 12.760000 21.830000 (Com) Comae Berenices Berenice's Hair KOH' muh BER' ee NY' seez KOH' mee BER' ee NY' seez «n°Ã®y/Corona Australis 26 18.640000 -41.490000 (CrA) Coronae Austrinae The Southern Crown koh ROH' nuh aws TRY' nuh koh ROH' nee aws TRY' nee ¥_°Ã®y/Corona Borealis 27 15.890000 32.190000 (CrB) Coronae Borealis The Northern Crown koh ROH' nuh BOH' ree AY' lis koh ROH' nee BOH' ree AY' lis ¯Q¾~®y/Corvus 28 12.466667 -13.333333 (Crv) Corvi The Crow KAWR' vuhs KAWR' vy ¥¨Àï®y/Crater 29 11.430000 -12.000000 (Crt) Crateris The Cup KRAY' tuhr kray TEE' ris «n¤Q¦r®y/Crux 30 12.450000 -59.970000 (Cru) Crucis The Cross KRUHKS KROO' sis ¤ÑÃZ®y/Cygnus 31 20.620000 42.030000 (Cyg) Cygni The Swan SIG' nuhs SIG' ny ®ü³b®y/Delphinus 32 20.700000 13.816667 (Del) Delphini The Dolphin del FY' nuhs del FY' ny ¼C³½®y/Dorado 33 5.230000 -63.700000 (Dor) Doradus The Mahimahi (Fish) doh RAH' doh doh RAH' duhs ¤ÑÀs®y/Draco 34 17.750000 62.510000 (Dra) Draconis The Dragon DRAY' koh dray KOH' nis ¤p°¨®y/Equuleus 35 21.210000 7.000000 (Equ) Equulei The Colt ee KWOO' lee uhs ee KWOO' lee eye ªi¦¿®y/Eridanus 36 3.920000 -15.820000 (Eri) Eridani Eridanus, the River ee RID' uh nuhs ee RID' uh ny ¤ÑÄl®y/Fornax 37 2.780000 -31.630000 (For) Fornacis The Chemical Furnace FAWR' naks fawr NAY' sis Âù¤l®y/Gemini 38 7.190000 22.690000 (Gem) Germinorum The Twins JEM' ih ny JEM' ih NOH' ruhm ¤ÑÅb®y/Grus 39 22.610000 -44.520000 (Gru) Gruis The Crane GRUHS GROO' is ªZ¥P®y/Hercules 40 17.330000 29.900000 (Her) Herculis Hercules, the Son of Jupiter HUHR' kyoo leez HUHR' kyoo lis ®ÉÄÁ®y/Horologium 41 3.112500 -52.800000 (Hor) Horologii The Clock HAHR' oh LOH' jih uhm HAHR' oh LOH' jih eye ªø³D®y/Hydra 42 10.120000 -19.360000 (Hya) Hydrae The Female Water Snake HY' druh HY' dree ¤ô³D®y/Hydrus 43 2.460000 -72.280000 (Hyi) Hydri The Male Water Snake HY' druhs HY' dry ¦L¦a¦w®y/Indus 44 21.190000 -53.370000 (Ind) Indi The Indian IN' duhs IN' dy 粪ê®y/Lacerta 45 22.460000 44.820000 (Lac) Lacertae The Lizard la SUHR' tuh luh SUHR' tee ·à¤l®y/Leo 46 10.660000 16.450000 (Leo) Leonis The Lion LEE' oh lee OH' nis ¤p·à®y/Leo Minor 47 10.300000 35.160000 (LMi) Leonis Minoris The Smaller Lion LEE' oh MY' nuhr lee OH' nis mih NOH' ris ¤Ñ¨ß®y/Lepus 48 5.580000 -19.320000 (Lep) Leporis The Hare LEE' puhs LEP' uh ris ¤Ñ¯¯®y/Libra 49 15.210000 -15.590000 (Lib) Librae The Balance LY' bruh LY' bree °[¯T®y/Lupus 50 15.400000 -42.960000 (Lup) Lupi The Wolf LOO' puhs LYOO' py ¤Ñ¿ß®y/Lynx 51 8.030000 45.320000 (Lyn) Lyncis The Wildcat LINGKS LIN' sis ¤Ñµ^®y/Lyra 52 18.840000 36.820000 (Lyr) Lyrae The Lyre LY' ruh LY' ree ¤s®×®y/Mensa 53 5.390000 -77.780000 (Men) Mensae Table Mountain MEN' suh MEN' see Åã·LÃè®y/Microscopium 54 20.970000 -35.200000 (Mic) Microscopii The Microscope MY' kroh SKOH' pih uhm MY' kroh SKOH' pih eye ÄQÅï®y/Monoceros 55 7.150000 -5.740000 (Mon) Monocerotis The Unicorn muh NAHS' uhr uhs moh NAHS' uhr OH' tis »aÃÇ®y/Musca 56 12.460000 -70.340000 (Mus) Muscae The Fly MUHS' kuh MUHS' see ¯x¤Ø®y/Norma 57 16.050000 -52.010000 (Nor) Normae The Square and Rule NAWR' muh NAWR' mee «n·¥®y/Octans 58 21.310000 -83.760000 (Oct) Octantis The Octant AHK' tanz ahk TAN' tis ³D¤Ò®y/Ophiuchus 59 17.180000 -4.240000 (Oph) Ophiuchi The Serpent Holder AHF' ih YOO' kuhs AHF' ih YOO' ky Ây¤á®y/Orion 60 5.590000 4.580000 (Ori) Orionis Orion, the Hunter oh RY' uhn OH' rih OH' nis ¤Õ³¶®y/Pavo 61 19.680000 -66.130000 (Pav) Pavonis The Peacock PAY' voh pay VOH' nis ­¸°¨®y/Pegasus 62 22.750000 19.530000 (Peg) Pegasi Pegasus, the Winged Horse PEG' uh suhs PEG' uh see ­^¥P®y/Perseus 63 3.710000 41.770000 (Per) Persei Perseus, the Rescuer of Andromeda PUHR' syoos PUHR' see eye »ñ°Ä®y/Phoenix 64 0.700000 -48.570000 (Phe) Phoenicis The Firebird FEE' niks fee NY' sis ø¬[®y/Pictor 65 5.410000 -50.300000 (Pic) Pictoris The Painter's Easel PIK' tuhr pik TOH' ris Âù³½®y/Pisces 66 0.850000 11.080000 (Psc) Piscium The Fishes PIS' eez PISH' ih uhm «n³½®y/Piscis Austrinus 67 22.290000 -30.660000 (PsA) Piscis Austrini The Southern Fish PIS' ihs aws TRY' nuhs PIS' is aws TRY' ny ²î§À®y/Puppis 68 7.570000 -39.390000 (Pup) Puppis Argo's Stern PUHP' ihs PUHP' is ù½L®y/Pyxis 69 8.930000 -31.030000 (Pyx) Pyxidis The Mariner's Compass PIK' sis PIK' sih dis ºô¯Ë®y/Reticulum 70 3.880000 -61.150000 (Ret) Reticuli The Telescope Reticle ree TIK' yoo luhm ree TIK' yoo ly ¤Ñ½b®y/Sagitta 71 19.670000 17.810000 (Sge) Sagittae The Arrow suh JIT' uh suh JIT' ee ¤H°¨®y/Sagittarius 72 19.110000 -25.770000 (Sgr) Sagittarii The Archer SAJ' ih TAY' rih uhs SAJ' ih TAY' rih eye ¤Ñç²®y/Scorpius 73 16.990000 -37.170000 (Sco) Scorpii The Scorpion SKAWR' pih uhs SKAWR' pih eye ¥É¤Ò®y/Sculptor 74 0.500000 -32.350000 (Scl) Sculptoris The Sculptor's Apparatus SKUHLP' tuhr skuhlp TOH' ris ¬ÞµP®y/Scutum 75 18.670000 -10.300000 (Sct) Scuti Sobieski's Shield SKYOO' tuhm SKYOO' ty ¥¨³D®y/Serpens 76 15.710000 9.070000 (Ser) Serpentis The Serpent (Head) SUHR' penz suhr PEN' tis ¤»¤À»ö®y/Sextans 77 10.260000 -2.410000 (Sex) Sextantis The Sextant SEKS' tuhnz seks TAN' tis ª÷¤û®y/Taurus 78 4.270000 18.870000 (Tau) Tauri The Bull TAW' ruhs TAW' ry ±æ»·Ãè®y/Telescopium 79 19.310000 -50.460000 (Tel) Telescopii The Telescope TEL' ee SKOH' pih uhm TEL' ee SKOH' pih eye ¤T¨¤®y/Triangulum 80 2.110000 32.030000 (Tri) Trianguli The Triangle try ANG' gyoo luhm try ANG' gyoo ly «n¤T¨¤®y/Triangulum Australe 81 16.083333 -65.916667 (TrA) Trianguli Australis The Southern Triangle try ANG' gyoo luhm aws TRAY' lee try ANG' gyoo ly aws TRAY' lis §ùÃY®y/Tucana 82 0.130000 -64.960000 (Tuc) Tucanae The Toucan tyoo KAY' nuh tyoo KAY' nee ¤jºµ®y/Ursa Major 83 10.670000 55.380000 (UMa) Ursae Majoris The Larger She-Bear UHR' suh MAY' juhr UHR' see may JOH' ris ¤pºµ®y/Ursa Minor 84 14.780000 74.360000 (UMi) Ursae Minoris The Smaller She-Bear UHR' suh MY' nuhr UHR' see mih NOH' ris ²î¦|®y/Vela 85 9.680000 -47.450000 (Vel) Velorum Argo's Sails VEE' luh vee LOH' ruhm «Ç¤k®y/Virgo 86 13.210000 -3.730000 (Vir) Virginis The Maiden VUHR' goh VUHR' jih nis ­¸³½®y/Volans 87 7.850000 -69.630000 (Vol) Volantis The Flying Fish VOH' luhnz voh LAN' tis ª°¯W®y/Vulpecula 88 20.340000 25.060000 (Vul) Vulpeculae The Little Fox with the Goose vuhl PEK' yoo luh vuhl PEK' yoo lee ¥¨³D®y/Serpens 89 17.850000 -13.183333 (Ser) Serpentis The Serpent (Tail) SUHR' penz suhr PEN' tis